Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)
Ratapur Chowk, RaeBareli – 229316 (U.P.)
Published by http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
Faculty Recruitment (Rolling Advertisement)
RGIPT is looking for suitable Indian Nationals for appointment for the Faculty posts. The positions are available at Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in the regular cadre and Assistant Professor (on Contract) basis. Other positions available are: Distinguished Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, Honorary Faculty, Visiting Faculty, Joint Appointment with Industry, Faculty on Deputation, and Faculty on Contract. These ‘other’ positions do not necessarily require a PhD, but experience is given a big credit. Emoluments for these will be decided liberally and on a case to case basis.
Disciplines :
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Geology and Geophysics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- HSS – English
How to Apply : Application form in the prescribed format complete in all respect, with the ‘RGIPT- Rae Bareli Centre, Post applied for______’ clearly super scribed on the envelope, should reach at the following address by registered post by 25/11/2013 :
The Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Ratapur Chowk, Raebareli – 229316 (U.P.)
However this is a Rolling Advertisement. Hence, applicants can send their application at any time and depending upon RGIPT needs and availability of suitable candidates, interviews will be conducted periodically. Applications received up to 25th November 2013 will be considered for the first phase of recruitment.
Please view http://rgipt.ac.in/pdf/rolling_23oct2013.pdf for details and application form.
Published by http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com
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