SSGMCE, Shegaon MBA Sant Gajanan Engg College Shegaon

MBA at Sant Gajanan Engg College Shegaon

THE National Board of Accreditation. New Delhi has re-accredited Master of Business Administration (MBA) course of Sliri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering for the third time recently.
The MBA course of the college was first accredited with C grade in the year 2002. It was then re-accredited in the year 2007 for three years. It is the third time accreditation of its MBA programme.
MBA course of the College has achieved the singular distinction of being thrice accredited Post-Graduate Management Course in the region. The members of a Peer Committee of the National Board of Accreditation Prof K M Khan. Aligarh. Prof G Tuisi Rao. Andhra University. Prof Om Vikas. Gwalior had recently visited the college and its Department of Business Administration and Research. The Executive Committee of the National Board of Accreditation granted the accreditation status with marks accorded 771 out of 1000 the communication regarding which has been recently received by the college. Established in 1983 Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering. Shcga on started MBA course in 1994 in its Department of Business Administration and Research. Since then the department has a number of distinctions to its credit besides three times accreditation to MBA course run by it. It has been ranked under A-Grade by Business India Best B-Schools Survey continuously for the last three years in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The college has achieved the accreditation under the guidance of Shivshankar Patil. the main trustee of Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan and Shrikantdada Patil. MD of the institution.